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What Do Suppliers Do?

Suppliers track mechanical manufacturers, sellers and installers

Brennan Gensch avatar
Written by Brennan Gensch
Updated over a week ago

The appliances and mechanicals installed inside a house have a large effect on the energy efficiency rating, and some utility incentive programs require detailed information about these products for rebates.

Suppliers make, sell and/or install products into a house. Combined with Model and Serial number information, appliance and mechanical efficiency information can be looked up online for energy modeling results.

We can also use suppliers to track primary contractors πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ on a house, which act as defaults when adding new appliances in field inspection forms.

In HouseRater, a supplier can perform one or many different actions. Some companies, like Nest, don't provide installation services for their products, while others may provide a full integration from manufacturing πŸ— to installation Β (such as Fireside Hearth & Home πŸ”₯). Depending on which fields you select on your supplier, they will appear in various dropdowns throughout a field inspection.

Adding a Supplier

Suppliers can be managed by any Rating Company Manager or higher user role. Rater and RFI users are not able to add or edit the suppliers in HouseRater.

  1. When completing an inspection, start typing a supplier and select the "Add New Supplier" if your supplier isn't listed.

You can also manage Suppliers without completing a field inspection using the Suppliers page under Organizations from your sidebar.

Editing a Supplier

You can modify a supplier without affecting old data. Unchecking one of their actions will not change the older field inspections that may have had them selected, however new inspections will not be allowed to use that Supplier.

Suppliers can also be deactivated completely, in order to hide them from all dropdowns in the field inspection form when they no longer provide services for your builders.

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